After taking some antibiotics and other medicine,Jiro still did nto move and lying in his bed whole day. Papa and mummy very worried and take emergency leave from office and take him to see Dr. Lai Chong again.
Since Jiro's temperature is normal,Dr, Lai Chong sugested to have a blood test to find out the reason. Papa agreed and got the result in the evening. The blood test result are ok except that the enzime in kidney are 3 times higher than normal...means the kidney is not filter properly, papa quickyly bring Jiro to Dr.Lai Chong's clinic again and Dr; Lai Chong has explained very detail on the blood test report and suggested to put drips on Jiro since he has not been eating or drinking for almost 3 days...only papa forced to feed him glucose hourly.
Jiro will be hospitalized and hopefully he will recover in 3 to 5 dyas time..I am alone at home and I miss Jiro so much ! Hope Jiro recover quickly and be home soon.
Dr Lai & Dr.Marvin is helping Jiro for the Drip... Jiro are so calm and did not cry..

Jiro" all this are waiting for you at home, promise I will keep some for you ! "

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