My papa is realy addicted to photo shooting, he even try to make a home studio,he said his dream is to own a Pet Studio so he can take photos for the doggy and their owner,he is learning and pratice so he can become a pro in the near future,then he can retired and no need to work for that long winded grandfather like BOSS ! Here are some pics that he took for us, makeing us do tired and alwys make us do things whcih wr don't likes to do.
Hehe, that's a good idea! Your daddy's a good photographer. I think he should start one. My mommy would also like to start a Pet Studio one day if she has the money. She loves taking pictures of doggies too...
Hello and nice to meet you, Prince Jiro and Princess Ayako! My name is Momo... Your pictures on Pacco's blog caught my mom's attention. So I wanted to come & say HELLO. My mom used to have three bootiful white pekinese like yourself. I am named after one of them. BTW they were not active as you two!!
Please come by my blog when you get a chance. It would be nice to be your friend.
Hallo!.. Prince n Princess.. glad to see u guys got a blog too.. wow, i can see your papa really addicted into photographing.. but u guys are lucky too .. u can always get a good pictures.. but not for us.. mom only use her handphone camera!..
Hi mom & Rossi, Thank you for drop by,hope we can share more story in future, I am not pure Pekingese,my real papa is Pek,my mummy is Tibetan spaniel,while Ayako is suppose to be pure Pek,but she don't looks Pek.
Happy New Year!
Where did January go?
It's been cold, dark and wet here in Toronto.
This day, January 2nd, it was flurry over the blue sky.
And I tried to catch snowf...
Little angels to make your life complete... SMS or WhatsApp 016 322 8816 or
012 790 1252 if you would like to have an angel in your life... And do
check ...
Hey blogging world. Long time not posted. We didn't forget you. Mama just
got so busy to keep up with everything. Here we are few days ago. We
thought of p...
Beach outing
Hi pals, how's your weekend? Me and my brother, Leslie had a blast at the
beach. We drove an hour to the beach at Port Dickson.
This is Leslie first exper...
*9 Months and 4 Days Later...*
Hello Fluffs! As you can see, I haven't posted in a LOOOOOOONG time (as
usual). But don't worry! Mommy and I are trying to work out some free time
to sta...
Will you swim with us?
Hello efurryone,
Mango, Chubs and Ximui are here!
We're baaack 'cause we MISS you so much.
Terribly hot summer can't destroy my coolly handsomeness, can i...
Together Again!!!
Angels Butchy and Snickers::::Together Again!!!
After a very rough few weeks, Butchy decided it was time to go be with his
sissie, Snickers who had left t...
Another Random Post
Since this site has been left abandoned since ages, I decided to help my
sister to update it.
I found the mickey headband and this was what i did to them.
Cami in her PJs
This is the 2nd time Cami is fully stripped, the 1st time by a professional
Cairn breeder from Australia, whom visited our home back in 2008. Which
means, ...
The Month of April
Hello Friends!
I can't believe it has been so long since my last post!
We have been SUPER busy at my new house and Owner Girl got a new job so she
has been ...
Prince the Pop Star
Funny Pappy... dont know sot where liao that suddenly call prince be a pop
star. I wonder why he doing with all the tripod and the camera... each
action ne...
Mag's day !
While waiting for me to return to my mom's hometown..
I stay with mom's friend..
she's been so good to me!
and she has 2 girls in the house..
Deba an Indones...
Mimi is found
Just want to do a quick update. A kind soul found Mimi wondering around
main road, and send her to nearest vet. The vet clean her up and sheltered
her for ...
Swimming during weekend
As promised.. daddy did brought me for a swim at nearby lake last weekend..
And daddy did take some video shotting of me swimming, actually a lot of
them t...
Redang Trip
We reach terengganu marang jetty at 8am. We have to wait till 9am for the
boat to arrive. But seems like "Cookie" (the dog wearing the swimming aid)
cant ...
Money vs Mother in Law
Finally Ms owner has voiced out her request to bring me over to her house.
The answer she got from her mother in law was "NO".
So, poor me & Ms Owner have ...
My name is JIRO and the other half is AYAKO. I am half Pekingese & half Tibetan Spaniel. AYAKO is pure Pekingese. We live in an apartment and our favorite activities are jungle trekking and charity event.We loves to play and eat.
Hehe, that's a good idea! Your daddy's a good photographer. I think he should start one. My mommy would also like to start a Pet Studio one day if she has the money. She loves taking pictures of doggies too...
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Hello and nice to meet you, Prince Jiro and Princess Ayako! My name is Momo... Your pictures on Pacco's blog caught my mom's attention. So I wanted to come & say HELLO. My mom used to have three bootiful white pekinese like yourself. I am named after one of them. BTW they were not active as you two!!
Please come by my blog when you get a chance. It would be nice to be your friend.
Momo xoxo
Hallo!.. Prince n Princess.. glad to see u guys got a blog too.. wow, i can see your papa really addicted into photographing.. but u guys are lucky too .. u can always get a good pictures.. but not for us.. mom only use her handphone camera!..
Hi mom & Rossi,
Thank you for drop by,hope we can share more story in future,
I am not pure Pekingese,my real papa is Pek,my mummy is Tibetan spaniel,while Ayako is suppose to be pure Pek,but she don't looks Pek.
jiro & ayako, let me know when ur pappy have a pet studio, we wan to be ur 1st customer..hehe
got provide good lightning for xtreme black doggie like me?
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