My happiest day is always during the weekend,coz every Saturday is JT day and I can meet all the frens during this day, let me introduce my JT frends to you..just incase u don't know what JT means, J represent JUNGLE, T means TREKKING lol...:) I guess I am the most lucky dog on earth,coz papa sacrifies his sleeping time and bring me to meet all my frens, and I can mark as much territory I can.I always wanted to be the alpha,but some times some younger kid don't understand me, simply over-ride my territory,that's really makes mre angry at times, some of them try to steal my girl fren Venus, so I slayws warn them, I don't care they are big or firece, anyway,I have too many frens & rival,I will introduce them by stages..this is only the begining,come back for more updates......
First is the most respected Tai Ka Che Duchess;she always take care of me and Ayako.
I will receive sms from her every Wednensday, so I will be able to know if there will be any JT this week,even before papa sms his frens..she also act as our refree whenever some one is making trouble..
Next is Benly...who always dreaming and enjoyed his ONSEN SPA,some times I really wonder he is hooman or doogy ?

Then the most talented Ms Venus...she is my idol.she can jump,can swim..may be can fly too..and she alawys win prizes..I look up on her.

The most frequent and regular trekker Yen Yen,in chinese means $$$

Fei Fei..the Pomeranian whom do not likes hooman to touch..but she is a nice lady and never make any trouble,alwyas beside her master.I always wonder if she enjoy her JT ?

Hero & Casper the Maltese,they are cute but not in good relationship with me..coz Hero tried to attract Venus all the time,that's make me worried.

The jumping Lady in Black, think she enjoy her JT most of the time as she always jump,if she is a hooman, I think she can take represent Malaysia in the high jump for Olympics games.Being the first Olympic sports lady !
$$$$ - her name is MONEY,she wasn't too friendly when we first met,but now I think she is ok and became more out-going after being our frens for few months..she is definitely improving and become sweetie..:)
How can I forget this extremely gorgeous Prince,he really thinks he is Prince lei..see how tired he is after his papa the King ask him to do this & that,sometimes jump,some times go,some times come,I thin he over used his energy and not enough food lah..
Hehehehe...You guys will see us there some day. Just gotta find the time!
Btw, do you know Dogs With Blogs? DWB is a big dog community place where all of us bloggin dogs join & meet hundreds & hundreds of friends all over the world! You see why Pacco & I got sooo many comments? We made alot of friends & sometimes DWB will have competitions like Photo of The Month. I won last months award & they also have Awesome Blog Award. It's a fun place! So do become a member of DWB. If you make alot of friends & visit their blogs often, before you know it, you have tons fo friends like me & Pacco! Here's their webby:
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
yeah ya. I swa your nice pic won ics of the month,see you mummy don't have expensive equioment alos can win..congratulation ! Papa kanbate !
Wow, you got my picture. Yeah i usually very tired 1 because my pappy didnt feed me morning. Only go mamak then order me roti telur :)
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