MRDO means Malaysia Responsible Dog Ownership,means my master must be responsible for my well being,so we doggy are in good hands with good welfare and benefit.
7th Oct 2007,is another great woof woof day for all the doggie,dosent't matter if u are pedigree or mixed,or unknow, as long as u can woof woof !
Papa wake up at 6.45 a.m and get ready to take us out to the woof locations. I saw papa has prepared all the ice and cold drinks,guess it must be a sunny day,he will bring air-cond for me if he can :), papa has 3 huge bags ready to carry,but wonder how is he going to bring me and Ayako that will total up of 5 bags.he must be a superman to do so. Then I saw him carry all the 3 bags which consits of his favorite heavy duty tools,me & Ayako's stuff and the ice box. He was getting ready to go off but he did not take me & Ayako,I was very worried and keep scrathing the door and crying,after 10 minutes, I heared tha foot step from the corridor and the door open,papa did not leave us alone this time,so he take us to the "WANG WANG PARADE"
Here are soem pictures to share with you all.they was many leng chai leng lui,those who missed this event shall be regret and bang their head !

I wonder if Ben can see anything or he just walk without looking ?

AYAKO is alawys busy looking at the camera !
Ms Venus is crying and searching for her mummy !

Duchess in her cool looks !

Amber -Mae is shaking her BOOM BOOM which reminds me of Ricky Martin !

It's me ! Aren't I am cool ?
Prince & Family

Ms Money in action for the fastest recall but she isn't fast enough :(
MS Money & mummy

PACCO the black angel,at last have a nice photo of her !
Don't know who is this fellow, but I likes the smile on his face.

Lucky and his master Jack

What is Duchess up to ? She will follow my mummy home ?
Chloe & Melisa perfoming a dance

Chloe & Amber Mae doing a favour for all the doggies -collecting donation for PAWS & SPCA

Please donate generously...

Faith posing as a Prison Break - looks so innocent( she said " I am not guilty !" )

The Red Indian Chief Scruffy -looks good !

The long Beard hard Rock Snauzer

The cool looking Duchess but did not take part in the contest..