NOVEMBER 6th 2007 ,a very special day for all of us to memorize. Today is Prince Jiro's home comming day and also Princess AYAKO's birthday.
Dr. Lai told us that Jiro was not eating and found some blood when he vormited on Sunday. This really made us worried,while thinking of the reason,then we realized that he actually do not like the recovery food that Dr. is trying to feed him,so we bring him his favorite food and he finish in seconds.
So we pray very hard that he will not vormit and will be able to discharge soon.
When we visit him again today,he was very happy and may be he knew that he gonn go home soon.
Jiro was back to his normal self since yersterday,to ensure he is truely recover, Jiro had another blood screening and the report was perfect,so he is release from hopital this eveining.
We was very delighted and decided to have a simple celebration for his home comiming as well as Ayako's birthday.
AYAKO was very excited when he sees hwer NISAN Jiro *( in Japnese means brother jiro ) step in to the house and keep on kissing him to welcome Jiro back.Jiro also very happy to be back to his sweet castle.
We hope Jiro will be happy & healthy as ever and Ayako will be prettier in the comming years.

Jiro roll on the floor to ensure his smell ramain in the house and he is still Prince of the house.

AYAKO getting ready to blow the candle,but the candle is nto lighted yet....