Pang Pang who is intelligent and healthy dog.He is my best pal and have many other good pals.
He is still in coma after 8 days.Doctor had put a tube into his throat so that he can be fed through the tube. We are praying for him everyday and night ad wish he will wake up very very soon.
I and AYAKO had visited him and tried to wake him up,but he just move a bit his ear or legs and continue to sleep. Should any one of you have any method to wake up a coma dog,please share with me. His parent is very worried and still waiting for miracle to happen.
Let's pray for Pang Pang's recovery.may he wake up now and play with us again.
This will be my only Christmas wish.
oh no.. this worried me and mom too.. we would keep praying for pang pang.. mom heard from a lot of sources saying chihuahua head is really fragile.. this scares mom too..
**pray pray**
Oh My!
I Am Praying Very Much For Pang Pang.
Well This Might Work.
I'm Not Sure Though.
But It's Worth A Shot.
Maybe Dump A Small Cup Of Water On His Head.
It Might Work.
I Mean For A Chihuahua I Don't Know.
Leave Me A Coment If It Worked Or Not.
Your Friend,
This is very worrying too. Poor PP. I have no idea how to wake up a coma dog but it's a good idea that they just let him be. If they do anything that will shock him, that might be another problem too. Please wake up PP!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Oh yes, if his ear is twitching then he is fine. Just give time for his brain to connect back to all his other parts of the body. For hoomans I know, some people will be in coma for two years but one day will finally wake up. I think the big bang he had to his head was so hard that one or some of the nerves of his brain disconnected from all his other sensors in his body. But if his ear is twitching when you try to wake him up, then that's a good sign. That means he's not brain dead. He's very much alive but will probably need a few more days or weeks to finally be conscious again.
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
It's already 22 days,Pang Pang is still sleeping.
We will pray for Pang Pang..wake up and celbrate Christmas wiht us
Oh no - We are sorry to hear about Pang Pang :(
Praying that this adorable little guy wakes up very soon
What happened? why is he in a coma?
Maltese Paws
Pang Pang Is In a Coma Because He Got Knocked Out Be A Bigger Dog.
So Sad. Pray Pray For Pang Pang.
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