23rd August 2008
We was invited to join the Jack Russel gang to the water fall at KKB again.
We woke up rather early than usual.We took about an hour to reach the destination.
We met up Grovvy and the gang at the stream,they already soak themselves in the water when we arrive at the location.The water was chilling and clear.
AYAKO and me does not enjoy the deep water, but we play and chase each other at the river bank.
As usual,PACCO hates the water, but she still enjoy running and jumping.
It was another wonderfull trip..look forward to go again soon.
Morepictures can be viewed in our face book.
Hi there,
You two are beautiful Prince and Princess!
I know your blog through Snowy and Crytal. They're my very dear friends. I just read their new entry and quite concern about their mommy. I have the feeling that they are gonna stop blogging, please come back there to support and cheer their mommy up. Thanks.
Thanks for signing our guestbook, it means a lot to us.
thanks for those action pics... love 'em all
Thanks for the invitation Jiro & Ayako. We love to join but again the hooman got so many excuses. Mayb we should just run away from home to your place. hehehe
slurpy licks,
Ben & Twinkle
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