20th March 2008,Thursday.This Morning was cool and refreshing and it's a public holiday for all Malaysian as today is someone's birthday..if not mistaken, his name is Nabi Mohamad.
My papa get up rather early today as he need ot get all things ready as have to meet up some friends and we gonna have some fun at the waterfall.
At 7.45a.m papa found that his car tyre was flat..we was so worried that he might cancel the trip. Fortunately he have a spare tyre and able to exchange with the help from the petrol station woker.Thanks GOD !
ok,let's see who is coming..we have 2 Pekingese ,2 Laborator ,2 Golden Retriver,2 poodle,2 dalmation,1 Cokernauzer,1 Rott,1 Pomeranina & 1 GR mix. Totally 14 of us plus 8 cars...and countless of hooman.
We had some splashing time at the waterfall and some hooman are tyring to push some of us into the that water as some of us really don't enjoy swimming.
We heading to the restaurant on the way home after everybody had enough fun and felt hungry. All the hooman enjoyed the yummy food but all the doggies are siting under the table and waited.
It was another enjoyable trip for all of us.