Thank you for visiting,have nothing much to update since last month as papa was extreme busy wiht his work.
Anyway,AYAKO is on heat now and I am vbusy chasing after her, as she is hyper active and I had had hard time to get close to her !
Wish me good luck,thne may be we will have our babies soon !
Happy New Year!
Where did January go?
It's been cold, dark and wet here in Toronto.
This day, January 2nd, it was flurry over the blue sky.
And I tried to catch snowf...
4 weeks ago
Oooh, you guys gonna have little Pekibabies soon? Sooo kewl! Hope you'll be able to get hold on her soon, Jiro. Kekeke!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Ops....Jiro....this post is not suitable for underage dog. But Im an adult now, so I can view it. LOL
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