Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Why Prince & Princess

Well, my name is Jiro & my the other half is Ayako.recently my papa has decided to add me a title coz he said I act like a Prince and he himself is the King,so naturally my sister became Princess Ayako ! anyway, I"m new to this blog stuff, will come back for more, hope my papa will create a special blog for me...though he is working very hard everyday and come home very late..I always have to wait for him at the door...he is always missing for many many hours...so bore.."(


Urban Smoothie Read said...

oh hallo jiro n ayako...

i can't wait to enjoy your bootiful pictures that ur daddy snap...

Jiro@Rocky Loot said...

Papa will need time to upload pictures...but u can visit our oicasa web album..

Amber-Mae said...

Hey! You guys finally got a blog of your own, sooo great! Found you in Pacco's blog. Oh yeah, I think you're a Prince coz you're quite a tough boy as I can see & nobody can stand in your way. Hehehe! Can't wait to hear more from you & seeing all the bootiful pictures your papa takes of you both. Thanks for the lovely pictures your papa took of us by the way...He's really a pro!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer