It was another cloudy morning,before the sunrise,papa wake up at 6.30 a.m... to prepare to take us to jungle trekking.( even before I am ready to wake him up )
Papa used to wake up at 7.30 to go to work,but he will wake up early on weekend just to bring us to enjoy at JT. He said it's for the LOVE of DOGS !
We arrived at Bukit Gasing exactly 8.a.m and seen Pacco already waiting for us. She was jumping high & low when she spoted us.The later we met Champ de Poodle,Prince dE handsome GR with his papa and so called mummy...:). After few minutes we see Scruffy de mafia and Ginger de dalmation.
Seems there are many hoooman are free and come to this FOC spot to kill some time. Many of them was staring at us and we decided not to wait any longer and we started the walk about 8.20 a.m.
As usual,there are some hooman who likes us and some who don't, but we did care much and we enjoy marking,running and sniffing each other. well, there is a lot to communicate since we only meet once a week...:(
we was suprised to see Grovvy the super duper
running to us while we are having fun at the stream..We really miss him and glad to see him. Hope Grovvy will join us more often.
LaSt but not least but sad to said that we minght not be able to see Champ de Poodle for a while because his Ms owner will have to work on Saturday on next week. Let's hope she will get a 5 days work soon.
AYAKO : Jolin Cheche,don't be so sad,hope you will get a 5 days job then u can come to joint us again ! :
JIRO : Hi Grovvy...glad to see you again !
JIRO : Help ! anybody can do CPR ? Prince is not moving ! :
It's a wrap!
Hi there! It's me Juno!
I hope you're all happy, safe, healthy and having a relaxing time
with your family and friends.
OMD! I am only 2 year pup but fee...
4 weeks ago